Unlock the Power Within: Embrace a Life Aligned with Your True Potential through Healing your Wounds at their Root

Andrea Olsen
Spiritual Gift Activator & Life Purpose Guide
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Andrea Olsen
Spiritual Gift Activator & Life Purpose Guide

Is this you?

You experience self-sabotage, triggering emotions and negative self-talk that saps your confidence
You’d love to have a clear connection with the spirit world but don’t know how
You intuitively feel that you’re meant for more
You have a desire to live a purposeful, meaningful, thriving life
You want to make a positive difference in the world, now more than ever
You want to take action but the way seems vague

I hear you. And I am here to help...

I’m Andrea and I guide heart centered, intuitive women and men to amplify their spiritual gifts by elevating their self worth and inner trust so they navigate their life with greater clarity, confidence and the emotional freedom to live their true purpose and potential.

I can guide you on a powerful journey to amplify your spiritual gifts and have clarity of purpose because through decades of searching, that’s what I discovered for myself. It was a long, hard road, but with what I learned, I can now show you the most direct route.
My Story


I use the powerful modality of HeartHealing™, a method that works through hypnosis, to help you heal your relational wounds sustained in childhood. There are five universal wounds. Healing these wounds on a subconscious level and integrating your separated parts gives you an increasing sense of wholeness and well-being. It opens your heart to receive more and naturally increases your self-worth and self-trust, which amplifies your spiritual gifts and connection.

Andrea’s work is deeply transformative. She helps me trust myself and heal the wounds that get in my way.

-SM, Germany

We ARE spiritual beings and when we heal the wounds that cloud our connection and sap our confidence, we gain clarity and empowerment in all areas.

-Andrea Olsen


33-Day Journey - Heal one relational wound from childhood with HeartHealing™
Learn more...

9-Week Journey - Heal four universal wounds from childhood with HeartHealing™
Learn more...

Ancestral HeartHealing™ Journey - Heal four universal ancestral wounds and receive the gifts of your ancestral line - Coming Soon

Spiritual Purpose Paradigm - My signature program will amplify your spiritual gifts and free you to live your life’s true purpose - Coming Soon


With my signature program, the Six-Phase Spiritual Purpose Paradigm, your spiritual gifts and life purpose will arise and deepen naturally. (This program will roll out in early 2024)

Together we will:

Bring clarity to your current internal state and how that’s shaping your reality
Determine the skills, talents and gifts of your beautiful and unique soul signature
Create the worldview that supports your thriving life and discover your heart’s
motivation and direction
Build a safe internal container that simplifies the healing process
Heal 5 universal, subconscious wounds sustained in childhood and 4 universal ancestral wounds that were passed down through your lineage with HeartHealing™ and Ancestral HeartHealing™
Learn powerful, safe, spiritual tools to clearly connect and partner with Spirit in living your life and purpose
Click here to be notified when
the program is released

Seriously, what could you create with Spirit as a full partner in your life, work, and legacy?

-Andrea Olsen

Schedule Your Complimentary Discovery Session Today

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inner world guides

Inner World Guides exists to guide people to heal their wounds and reconnect to their spiritual power so they are free to live their true purpose and full potential.

This logo was gifted to me from spirit and it is a symbol of compassion and an acknowledgment of human strength and our inherent ability to find our way home to our own hearts.

Inner World Guides


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