
Full Elevation

with HeartHealing®

The 9-week solution to resolving the hidden patterns that disrupt your well-being in ALL areas of your life.

Are you finally ready to let go of the baggage and behaviors you know are weighing you down, even though you haven’t put your finger on what they are YET?

What would you say if I told you that in just 9-weeks you could have complete clarity on what has been holding you back and have successfully released it? Yes, you can let go of those burdens for good and finally have the relief you’ve been looking for.

You’ve tried therapy, bought group programs, attended workshops and read books but it seems they’ve only scratched the surface on the type of relief you’re searching for. You wish for the clarity and relief that arises through healing on a mental, emotional, relational and energetic level all at once. What you really want is depth healing in a 1:1 interaction, tailored to your specific needs with an experienced guide who can accompany you and support you on the way. You don’t want one offs, you want to uplevel your entire life, in all areas and are ready to do it now.

If you are determined to make a significant change now, then…

Full Elevation with HeartHealing™ may be perfect for you

Over the course of nine impactful weeks, we will locate and heal the root causes of the four universal childhood wounds that block your well-being. We’ll use the powerful hypnotherapy modality of HeartHealing™ to heal each one at the root level and let those unnamed burdens drop away, leaving you free to live your best life.

You’ll leave each session a changed person and upon completion of this package, you’ll have a new life!

In addition to our 1:1 sessions, you will be fully supported on a daily basis through listening to your personalized success imprint recording. This recording is a key element to make sure you get the best possible results for integrating your healing. You will receive a new recording after each HeartHealing® session.

Are you able to trust yourself and others?

What would it feel like if you

  • Had clarity in what’s happening within and around you and knew what to do about it 
  • Could make  decisions with ease and were free of self doubt 
  • Knew that making mistakes is ok and were free of any fear of failure 
  • Could  trust and act on your own intuition and then discover you have  major gifts in this area!

Do you feel worthy and valuable?

How would your life change if you

  • Were free of  feelings of guilt, shame and feelings of inadequacy 
  • Were no longer  critical of yourself or others 
  • Stopped sabotaging behaviors and started doing what you really want to in life and work 
  • No longer had debt and financial struggles 
  • Released addictions to work/alcohol/food etc.

Do you feel loveable no matter what?

What peace and joy would be present if you

  • Stopped overgiving and people pleasing and put down healthy boundaries with ease 
  • Loved yourself fully, knew you were enough and had a new depth of love to offer others.
  • Were able to attract a harmonious, loving relationship, or improve the one you’re in
  • Released the need to be perfect and let yourself be

Do you accept yourself as you are?

What would be possible if you

  • Felt like you truly belonged and you were needed in this world
  • No longer felt lonely 
  • Were able to feel joy in being seen, heard and in being your true self 
  • Were able to form close bonds with others and to feel safe in being  who you really are 
  • Believed that others liked you and wanted you around

What if you were the changemaker?

How would it feel to

Be the changemaker, the one who was strong enough to identify and end the destructive patterns of childhood wounding in your family now and for your future generations?

What if you were the changemaker?

Hello, I’m Andrea and I help people permanently heal the mental, emotional, relational and energetic blocks that limit them from reaching their full potential. We discover with complete clarity, the root of what disturbs your well-being and resolve it on all levels for lasting change so you’re free to live your best life now.

When you heal your childhood wounds, emotional baggage and self-sabotaging behaviors drop away automatically.

“I'm seeing positive change in all aspects of my life.” - KF, United Kingdom

My Story

I spent the past six years trying to find what was causing my painful beliefs, fears and self-sabotaging behaviors and tried everything I could think of to find relief. I did all kinds of psychological therapies, body work, spiritual practices, meditation, consciousness work and energy medicine. I read self-help books and spent thousands of dollars on programs, intensives and retreats. Although many of these practices were beneficial, I never got the lasting relief I was searching for.

Then I found HeartHealing™. In my first session I discovered that a painful incident in my childhood caused me to stop trusting myself. My powerful child’s mind mistakenly thought that to stay safe, I needed to outsource decisions of what’s right for me to others. This belief was the hidden steering mechanism for my life for the next 35 years. Since I didn’t trust myself, I found that I attracted people who weren’t trustworthy and lived through many painful experiences that seemed to repeat over and over.

Finally discovering that this lack of self trust was the reason for so much of my unease and negative behaviors was life-changing. Since the day I healed this wound in myself, I have been a different person. So many unnamed burdens just dropped away. I’m now a woman who can trust herself fully and I now guide my life from that knowing. I went on to heal my other three universal heart wounds and have completely transformed my life and what’s possible for me!

I have elevated all areas of my life to a new level

I share this story as an example of how hidden mechanisms formed in childhood can derail our lives, and we can have no idea that they are even there.

 Each person has a different pattern of wounding but HeartHealing™ is a powerful modality that will show you exactly what happened, what needs to heal and I will guide and assist you to heal each wound fully.

It’s now possible for you too.

I was so moved by the effectiveness and lasting change possible with this modality that I decided to become a certified HeartHealing™ practitioner! I also have intuitive gifts, a huge perk of healing my self-trust, and I can use those gifts to tailor my work with each client to help them reach their best outcome. I have strong compassion for human wounding and its effects because I have lived through pain, heartbreak and difficulty and I love that there is an effective path out of it. I get so excited thinking of who and what we can be as humans when freed of our subconscious burdens!

“I have known Andrea for a while and I am deeply impressed by her path and dedicated approach to this work. I know with certainty that she doesn’t just talk the talk, she walks the walk. She has transformed her own life before helping people transform theirs. Through her experience her work becomes genuine and deeply transformative. It is this experience why I trust her deeply as a guide. She helps me forge my own path that is authentic to me, she helps me trust myself and heal the wounds that get in my way."  - SM, Germany


We get to journey together over 9-weeks. We will dedicate two full weeks for healing each one of your four universal childhood wounds.

We will begin with a deep dive into your conscious beliefs. In your powerful onboarding session we will start to unravel what holds you back and to identify your true wants, wishes and desires. Together, we’ll decide the best order to heal your wounds. We’ll look at what wound is impacting your life the most and we’ll heal that one first so you’ll experience the biggest transformation possible right away. Previous clients have expressed how they notice a palpable change even with just filling in the intake form before the session!
You will be given a deeply relaxing hypnosis meditation at the end of this session that will prepare and support you as we move towards your first 90 minute HeartHealing® session.

Next, we’ll move your journey to the subconscious level. In your first HeartHealing™ session, we will uncover the true root cause of your first heart wound, the one that has been driving your conscious thoughts, feelings and beliefs. This session will release the pain and the hurt that has been holding you back, there will be tears, there will be laughter and you will emerge feeling powerful, strong and excited for the future.

This session unpacks a lot so in order to reinforce and strengthen the transformation towards complete healing, you will receive a tailored live success imprint recording to listen to every day for the two weeks of integration time between each HeartHealing® session. The imprint recording will support you in integrating your healing on a mental, emotional, relational and energetic level.

You will book your next HeartHealing™ session to take place two weeks later. After each session I will give you a success imprint recording that is tailored to you and that includes the most important messages from the session to support your healing and full integration. We will continue doing HeartHealing™ sessions two weeks apart until we have elevated your entire being to a new level of peace, clarity and wholeness.

We wrap up your healing package with a final conscious level session. In this session we celebrate your transformation and define your new direction as the healed and free new YOU.

Here’s an example of how we would proceed.

Week 1: Conscious Level Session: Decide order of wound healing, listen to Relaxation Recording daily for one week
Week 2: HeartHealing™ session 1 - Self-trust, Integration - Listen to imprint daily
Week 3: Integration - Listen to imprint daily
Week 4: HeartHealing™ session 2 - Self-worth, Integration - Listen to imprint daily
Week 5: Integration - Listen to imprint daily
Week 6: HeartHealing™ session 3 - Self-love, Integration - Listen to imprint daily
Week 7: Integration - Listen to imprint daily
Week 8: HeartHealing™ session 4 - Self-acceptance, Integration - Listen to imprint daily
Week 9: Integration - Listen to imprint daily, meet for final Conscious Level Session


  • Full email support throughout the journey. You will feel completely supported each step of the way, knowing that I am just an email away if you have any questions or breakthroughs that you would like to share with me.


  • Powerful transformational materials (as homework and recommendations) tailored to you as needed, pulled from my years of learning what works for real change on mental, emotional, relational, and energetic  levels.

“I never thought I would find myself considering this modality but it has helped me reach a depth of my subconscious mind that I never thought I’d be able to reach. You have helped me immensely! I really appreciate you and the space that you held for me."  - AM, USA

This is right for you if…

  • You are ready to finally resolve what has been holding you back and you are determined and committed to doing what it takes to get the full relief  you’ve  been searching for.  
  • You are open minded to new modalities
  • You can commit to listening to your personalized imprint recording daily for the entire 9-weeks we work together.

But not right for you if…

  • You think it’s possible for someone else to just “fix” you
  • You are skeptical of hypnotherapy and need to be convinced of its effectiveness
  • The words “soul” and “energy” make you uncomfortable
  • You are epileptic or suffer from a psychotic illness (hypnotherapy is not recommended in these situations)
  • You are still in the traumatic situation you are seeking help for. For example, if you have been in an abusive relationship in the past but have left that situation, you are in the perfect place to do deep healing. If you are still in an abusive relationship, you’ll need to focus on exiting that situation before seeking help with HeartHealing.

The Investment

Choose your Option

$600 X 3
Payment Plan
Pay in Full
*Prices subject to change, Full payment must be received before final HH session is given
Apply now/Book a call to secure your spot


Everyone is different, thank goodness for that, so everyone's experience is different. There is no right or wrong timeframe. Some people report huge immediate shifts and some people notice subtle changes because when the burden isn’t present anymore, you don’t notice it! Some people notice changes in their mindset and behavior retroactively and some notice all of the above. However change happens for you, it will be deep and permanent.
We will do the sessions online via Zoom. From the comfort of your own home, you get to relax in your own chosen, safe space. Working through Zoom also allows us to work together no matter where you are in the world. I will be recording the session as well to create your personalized success imprint from what happens live in the session.
Yes, you can split the cost into three payments. The third payment will need to be complete before we do the final HeartHealing™ session.
Yes, we can work on one wound with my Inner World Alignment 33-day journey with HeartHealing™ Click Here for Details
Hypnosis works through a process of creating a burst of brain waves that are the same as when you’re in REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep. That’s how you’re able to access the subconscious mind. It’s very easy and anyone can do it.
Yes. You are in conscious control the whole time. You are able to speak, laugh or cry, ask questions, move your body, or even grab a tissue.

Still have additional questions before committing?

I want this to be a hell yes from you to ensure that you get the most out of our time together, so if there are any additional questions that you may have please book a discovery call with me at your earliest convenience so that we can address these and help you make your decision.

If you are finally ready to drop your burdens for good and elevate your life to an entirely new level, book a 15-minute discovery call with me now

The Investment

$600 x 3
Payment Plan
Pay in Full
*Prices subject to change, Full payment must be received before final HH session is given
Apply now/Book a call to secure your spot

The door to your new life, the one you know is possible, is right in front of you now.

Let’s walk through it together!

Considering the payment plan? Here are the details:


First Payment Due: $600

Week 1: Conscious Level Session: Decide order of wound healing, listen to Relaxation Recording daily for one week

Week 2: HeartHealing session 1 - The Trust Wound, Integration - Listen to imprint daily

Week 3: Integration - Listen to imprint daily

Second Payment Due: $600

Week 4: HeartHealing session 2 - The Worth Wound, Integration - Listen to imprint daily

Week 5: Integration - Listen to imprint daily

Week 6: HeartHealing session 3 - The Love Wound, Integration - Listen to imprint daily

Week 7: Integration - Listen to imprint daily

Final Payment Due: $600

Week 8: HeartHealing session 4 - The Acceptance Wound, Integration - Listen to imprint daily

Week 9: Integration - Listen to imprint daily, meet for final Conscious Level Session

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